Jun 24

Why Mobile Phone Storage Lockers Are Essential for Schools Following New UK Guidance

In February 2024, the UK government released fresh guidance for schools, offering strategies to manage mobile phone usage among students more effectively. This guidance empowers headteachers to take decisive action, including the prohibition of mobile phone use throughout the entire school day, even during break times. With this proactive approach, schools aim to foster an environment conducive to deep learning, free from the distractions of mobile devices. One key solution that schools are increasingly adopting… Read More

May 23

Choosing the best storage lockers for your office

As a business owner or office manager, you know how important it is to keep your valuable equipment, documents, and personal belongings safe and secure. Storage lockers are an excellent solution for storing and protecting your property, but with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this blog, we will look at two of the main storage locker solutions for offices. So, whether you’re looking to upgrade your… Read More

Nov 21

What are the Benefits of Storage Lockers in the Workplace?

Storage lockers are essential at workplaces, even as a makeshift change occurs in its design and culture. Gone are the days when employees are seen carrying a traditional briefcase to work. The modern worker has found a need for a spectacular range of gadgets and personal belongings and a rising need to maintain their space. If you want to buy lockers for your workplace, here are some of the benefits to help you decide. Keeping Personal Items Safe… Read More